Have you ever wanted to take a solo trip across Europe? Or go after that promotion at work? But, then a voice inside told you it was foolish and held you back from even trying?

That’s your brain’s wiring trying to keep you safe. But, to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, you have to learn to get out of your comfort zone. This may seem impossible.  But science has shown that the human brain is capable of much more than we give it credit for. 

By learning about your brain’s potential for change, you can start to make gradual changes. Over time, you’ll learn to conquer your fears with ease. 

The Science of Comfort Zones

In psychology, the comfort zone is defined by the routines of daily life that give us a sense of security. When we go too far outside of it, we experience a fight, flight, or flee response

We often stick to our routines out of a fear of the unknown. This fear can be beneficial; it keeps us from jumping off cliffs or getting hit by a car when we cross the street. The problem comes when fear interferes with our ability to make positive changes. 

To conquer our fear, we must embrace it. Thank your fear for keeping you safe, but don’t let it control you. Don’t let it keep you from seizing opportunities and doing what you love. 

Developing a Growth Mindset

The first step to getting out of your comfort zone is recognizing your ability to change. We often think of people as having fixed skills and behaviors. Neuroscience shows that this is not the case. 

Our brain cells and pathways can change and adapt based on our experiences. This ability is present throughout our lives and means we can change how we think and behave. Recognizing this ability and using it is part of adopting a growth mindset. 

Tips for Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone 

These tips will give you realistic ways to get comfortable with the unknown. 

1. Leave Your Comfort Zone—Gradually

Push yourself just enough to experience optimal anxiety. Challenge yourself just enough to heighten your stress levels, but not so much that you panic. 

For instance, if you want to get more comfortable spending time alone, don’t jump straight to a solo world tour. Instead, try a smaller step like planning a relaxing night in for yourself.

2. Practice Consistently

Changing your thoughts and behaviors is a lot like strengthening a muscle. If you take small steps to get out of your comfort zone and do it frequently, you’ll start to see your confidence grow. 

3. Have Compassion for Yourself

When you try something new, it won’t always go as planned. Try not to be too hard on yourself when you make mistakes. Getting stuck in a spiral of guilt and shame will only make it harder to learn from your mistakes in the future. 

4. Come Back into Your Comfort Zone

It’s important to return to your routines after taking big risks. This will prevent you from raising your stress levels too high. It will also give you the security you need to take risks in the future. 

5. Remember Your “Why”

Personal growth is never easy. When the going gets hard, it’s important to remember why you’re doing this.

Don’t just think about escaping the fears that hold you back. Imagine the better life you are creating for yourself and the people around you. Will you make new friends? Finally pursue your passion?

Expanding your comfort zone is a rewarding process. You’ll find yourself enjoying activities that once terrified you. You’ll try things you never imagined. And best of all, you’ll take a big step in your journey to self-confidence and personal growth.

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